RF Adapter// (RP-)SMA Male To N Male Adapter
A New Best Choice From LIH YEU SHENG-- (RP-)SMA Male to N Male Adapter
This series is also a new extending product of " SMA to N Adapter "!Frequency: DC-6.0GHz & DC-10GHz
Patent: C-Ring + Air Insulator + Anti-Slip Annular Section
→ With triple-added effective ability to prior the performance and durability
Product Strength(s):
1. This design of SMA Male with strong torque(at least 15kgfcm) avoids the body and shell being separated
when operating.
2. Air is the best insulator not only help us to focus your product's performance really,
but also enable decrease the usage of plastic to protect our earth.
3. A special design, its function, is equal with Epoxy structure to firm the inner PTFE steady and
un-revolved when operating at DC-10GHz .
4. Low VSWR: 1.2 Max.
5. Reasonable Price: It's still with competitive price even added LYS patent.
What are you waiting for?! Please contact us immediately!!
TEL: +886-6-253-8122 Email: sales@lihyeu.com.tw